Sunday, October 10, 2010

Food shopping

Gabriel and his cousin at the grocery store
Every week, I visit 3 or 4 different grocery stores, and the farmers market every Saturday morning. For a family of 2, we to a crazy amount of shopping!  Each store carries something different that Gabriel can eat.  Its difficult to keep variety in Gabriel's diet and to make sure that he's getting all of the nutrition he needs, so visiting all of the different stores is important for us.

There's a new grocery store in town! We visited the new store for the second time yesterday.  Its silly how excited we get grocery shopping, but when we find things that Gabriel usually misses out on, its very exciting!

We started in the fresh vegetable section, and he picked out asparagus, artichokes, kiwi, and potatoes, but spent some time debating the brussel sprouts.  I think the lack of other foods, makes brussel sprouts, cauliflower, and asparagus tastes a bit sweeter when you're four!  We browsed the snack isle, and hoped to find something new.  Gabriel handed me dozens of boxes to read.  Knowing each snack had corn, flour, or one of the other 'no' foods, I politely 'tried' anyway, and gently let him down.  Almost out of the snack isle, on our last try, we found 2 new snacks! Apple cinnamon flavored rice cakes are a real treat.  Gabriel has enjoyed plain rice cakes for ever because most brands use corn syrup, milk, or honey in the flavored ones.  We found bunny snacks!  Bunny snacks are the one fruit snack in the world that Gabriel can eat!  4 of the 5 bunny shaped all natural flavors use black carrot juice for color, and thats a 'no' for us.  We've known that these bunny snacks exist, but they're hard to find, and Gabriels only flavor is very hard to find.  We bought all 7 boxes the store had, and Gabriel could barely wait till we got to the car to eat one.

After my long work week, I was tired, and eager to get home.  An exciting, successful trip to the grocery store makes  it all worth it.  Looks like we now have 5 stores on the list of those to visit!

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