Monday, November 29, 2010

A new home

Sure it takes some special care in the kitchen to keep Gabriel healthy, but for an outsider, its easy to overlook what else is involved.  We're in the process of moving, and there are so many things I need to consider!

Flooring, of course!  Any house we move to, must have no carpet!  Now, of course this will probably mean that we have to do some work, and have and have hard wood installed, but it is a huge expense.  
Pets.  Cats seem to put Gabriel in the hospital immediately.  There is no way to ever no what pets lived in a home before us.  I read a study that said 99% of homes contain some sort of cat or dog danger.  99% of Americans don't own cats/dogs, its incredible what dander can linger long after someone moves out!
Fireplace.  Oh I would love a nice cozy fireplace.  A fireplace isn't safe for an asthmatic.  Options?  Find a home without one, don't use it, or replace it with a clean burning gas fireplace.  How bout grass?  The doctor prescribed complete grass avoidance.  As a mother of an otherwise active child, I refuse to have his playtime limited because of our landscaping.  This will mean either pricey artificial turf, or a lovely rock garden.  Some of the most common allergy triggers: dust, dust mites, and pollen, can be kept at bay with air purifiers.  HEPA filters can removes more than 90% of these allergens from the air.  Average cost? $299 for a purifier that covers 300 sq feet.  Recently, we got rid of any and all stuffed animals that lived here.  Other recommended maintenance includes daily wiping down of mattress covers, weekly washing of curtains, sheets, mattress covers, etc, in HOT water.  A

The tasks and purchases recommended for Gabriel's health can seem expensive and time consuming.  It is one more way I keep Gabriel looking more and more healthy!  I am so proud that he is not recognized as a 'sick kid' anymore!  He goes about his days, playful, and healthy.  And these days, we spend much less time in the ER.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

A new home

Sure it takes some special care in the kitchen to keep Gabriel healthy, but for an outsider, its easy to overlook what else is involved.  We're in the process of moving, and there are so many things I need to consider!

Flooring, of course!  Any house we move to, must have no carpet!  Now, of course this will probably mean that we have to do some work, and have and have hard wood installed, but it is a huge expense.  
Pets.  Cats seem to put Gabriel in the hospital immediately.  There is no way to ever no what pets lived in a home before us.  I read a study that said 99% of homes contain some sort of cat or dog danger.  99% of Americans don't own cats/dogs, its incredible what dander can linger long after someone moves out!
Fireplace.  Oh I would love a nice cozy fireplace.  A fireplace isn't safe for an asthmatic.  Options?  Find a home without one, don't use it, or replace it with a clean burning gas fireplace.  How bout grass?  The doctor prescribed complete grass avoidance.  As a mother of an otherwise active child, I refuse to have his playtime limited because of our landscaping.  This will mean either pricey artificial turf, or a lovely rock garden.  Some of the most common allergy triggers: dust, dust mites, and pollen, can be kept at bay with air purifiers.  HEPA filters can removes more than 90% of these allergens from the air.  Average cost? $299 for a purifier that covers 300 sq feet.  Recently, we got rid of any and all stuffed animals that lived here.  Other recommended maintenance includes daily wiping down of mattress covers, weekly washing of curtains, sheets, mattress covers, etc, in HOT water.  A

The tasks and purchases recommended for Gabriel's health can seem expensive and time consuming.  It is one more way I keep Gabriel looking more and more healthy!  I am so proud that he is not recognized as a 'sick kid' anymore!  He goes about his days, playful, and healthy.  And these days, we spend much less time in the ER.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

What's your Monster?

Gabriel and his cousin, Ryder, My monsters :)
Every experience, every treat and joy; and every dreaded fear, is based on our own personal experiences.  Its all relative to what we, personally, know.  What you don't know, you don't miss, and what went horribly once, we're scared to try again.  We all have our own monsters, so to speak, that we create, based off of our own fears, hates, and experiences.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

The eye of the beholder

Gabriel, waiting for his surgery to begin.
Happiness.  Thats what they say, right?  I heard something perfect today, "happiness isn't a goal or a destination, its a decision."
We all have hundreds of reasons to be less than happy.  We wait and wait, and hope that life deals us cards that will give us that ever after, that happiness we've been waiting for.  We all wake up, and use life challenges as reasons to be unhappy.  Its true though, happiness doesn't come from luck or destiny, it is an active decision that we have to choose when we open our eyes every morning.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

This year's surgery- The results are in

Just 2 weeks after I learned about the newest in preventative surgeries for Eosinophillic Esophagitis, we were in the car driving over to the hospital.  It happened faster than I even had time to worry about it! Quick and to the point!  I like things that way.  Gabriel's surgery was scheduled for Wednesday, Novermber 10.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Lately, bullying has been a hot topic in the media.  It has forced the rest of us to take a closer look of how common, how unsettling, and how dangerous it can be.  One of my many worries, is that as Gabriel gets older, it may be something he faces.  And probably more likely, and more intense than most kids.  I remember.  It wasn't that long ago that I was in school.  Any weakness is an excuse to be picked on.  Foreign accent, height or weight, name, intelligence, and of course health conditions or disabilities.  How many movies or TV shows have we seen that portray the  'loner,' the weakest, or the kid whose picked on to be the one with allergies, or maybe walking around with an inhaler.  I know the reality.  I know that kids might see Gabriel as different.  I think different is just fine. 

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Hair Color Allergies

A fellow hairdresser friend of mine posted a story on Facebook today.  A British teen decided to color her hair at home, and and suffered from a nearly life threatening reaction.  As scary as that sounds its true.  Hair color, like food allergies, can cause a very wide range of reactions.  A hair color allergy can result in anything from mild itching, to full body anaphylaxis.  At work, I had 2 guests in the same week, who admitted to having hair color allergies, but requested a hair color service anyway.  One told me that they wold be ok, as long as the color was wrapped in foil, and the other let me know that she would be OK because she took benedryl before she came.  Clearly, I was more, much more worried than these women were.  

Maybe they didn't understand allergies so well.... but I think its important for everyone to understand your allergies can change!  What is mildly itchy today, can possibly swell your throat tomorrow.  Every time your body is exposed to an allergen, the response increases.  Using color in foil, or taking benedryl is not a solution, or a cure.  Hair color is always dangerous to those with allergies.  If you ever decide to color your hair at home, you should probably test the hair color on your skin first.  Mix a small amount the 2 chemicals together, as the directions instruct you to, and apply a small amount to your inner elbow, or behind your ear.  Even drug store boxes of hair color recommend you test for an allergy before use.  The chemical in hair color that triggers allergic reactions, in some, is called PPD (

ParaPhenyleneDiamine.)  The following substances are related to PPD, and can also cause allergic reactions:

  • Local anesthetics benzocaine and procaine
  • Sulfa drugs
  • Para-aminobenzoic acid (PABA) in sun-protective creams
  • Para-aminosalicylic acid used for treatment of tuberculosis
Use caution with chemicals like hair color, and always follow manufacturer's directions.  If you have a history of allergies, have ever had a reaction to hair color, or any of these related substances, avoid use of, or use extreme caution with hair color.  And always, always test yourself first.

* Please always check with your doctor for questions or concerns about your allergies.  While this information is meant to be informative, is should never substitute the advice of your physician