Monday, September 20, 2010

You Eat What?!

Yes, I know, I am tainted by my personal experience.  But, really, what else do we have to go on in life, other than what's worked for us in the past?  When I was young, I was allergic to milk.  I had painful eczema on my knees, face, elbows and hands, that only changes in my diet could control.  Gabriel had pneumonia 13 times before his first birthday.  He vomited daily, struggled to fill his lungs with air, and his food watered through his diaper within minutes of eating.  He is healthy and growing, and hasn't had pneumonia in nearly a year, all because of extreme changes to his diet.  I find someone new nearly everyday who could benefit from changes to their diet.

This is how I see it; The food you eat is either digested properly, or it isn't.  When it isn't, it can affect your ability, not only to digest your food, but bloating, headaches, migraines, heartburn, depression, anxiety, lung function, and skin health as well.  In the Pharmacutical funded country we live in, medical studies, and advances in medicine, are all paid for by drug companies.  We are all lucky to have companies like this invest in our health, and medical improvements, however, what are they studying as solutions?  What are they testing for cures?  What are the treatments that they are investigating?  Naturally, drug companies invest in drug research.  Sometimes, something as simple as a change in your diet could ultimately change your life.  And, of course, diet related health challenges are not something that the medicine we practice today educates us with.

There are small baby hairs in the lining of your stomach.  These celia hairs, in some people, can become paralyzed by the sticky gluten in flour.  You can see how sticky wheat gluten can be, just by adding water to flour.  When these celia hairs can't move, your digestive system can't function properly.  And so we have Celiac Disease.  Did you know Celiac disease can affect as many as 1:2 Italian American, and Irish Americans?  Very often, eliminating wheat and gluten from your diet can alleviate more woes than you'd imagine!  I've never been sure if Gabriel has Celiac Disease, a wheat allergy, or an Eosinophillic sensitivity to wheat, but I can tell you this;  when I completely eliminated all wheat and gluten from his diet, I saw a tremendous improvement in his health.  Sometimes a diagnosis is useless, if the diagnosis doesn't come with a cure.  Please don't settle for Irritable Bowl Syndrome, or calling your newborns stomachache colic.  Sure, you have an irritated bowl, but the question should be why?  You went to the doctor because you felt that your bowls were irritated!  Giving it a fancy abbreviation, and calling it IBS hasn't made anyone feel better.  I encourage everyone to experiment with diet eliminations, you may be surprised to find that you feel better, eat better, and you can finally throw away the Pepto, Tums, and Pepcid!

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