Saturday, September 18, 2010

Why we'll stick to turtles

Historically, furry animals have had their place as mans best friend.  Dogs are our security, our companions, and our rescue.  Other fur covered beings are perfect for a snuggle, for company, and to admire.  I hear more and more about how spending time with animals helps children cope, teaches responsibility, pets are used to help accelerate learning for special needs, and to make us all a little more kind to nature and other species.  My 5 year old sister kindergarten class was home to a bunny.  This probably adorable, fuzzy creature's job was to entertain the class, and surly teach them all the benefits of gentile companionship that animals can offer. As  This furry little friend roamed the class,  I'm sure every child in the room followed it with their eyes while it hopped around the room, and every 5 and 6 year old let out a big 'aww' as you would when you see a newborn, or a couple of newlyweds.  I believe that sigh filled with awe is heartwarming, and every child should experience that.  

As genetics would have it, my sister has asthma, like many many kids do today.  Some kids wheeze on a chilly day, and some when they've done too much running. But what do you do when those comforting creatures, those snuggly little beings, are the reason the ER staff knows you on a first name basis? Did you know that animals- cats, and birds, can all cause deadly anaphylaxis? Did you realize that for some innocent children, a lap dog on the bus can cause them to gasp for air?  I am fortunate enough that both my son my sister do not experience immediate throat closing from any of our furry friends.  Extreme cases are not the only dangerous ones.  Asthma and allergies are more dangerous than it seems to most.  Any asthma patients life is at risk when their breathing is not at it's best.  Oxygen fuels our brain and neurological systems, keeps our heart pumping, and ensures all other organs stay alive.  Next time you want to bring your favorite feline, or docile little dog to CVS for your errands, think of the little girl who may be there, picking up her steroid based breathing meds to help her get through another day.  
Today we are off to the Sacramento reptile show, in hopes of finding a scaly,  slithering companion for my Gabriel.  Although there may be a ball of fur curled up near your fireplace, there's none in our home.         Yes, the issue of pets and public very controversial, but I will always side with man over his best friend. 

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