Its 9:53pm, and I finally sat for a moment. Like every Mommy, cooking cleaning and laundry are part of my daily duties. I don't think Ive ever met a Mom who wouldn't agree that "Our work is never done." There are, however, several differences that might make Gabriel's 24 hours, a little different than that of most kids.
Since the last time I blogged..
Sept 20, 10:00 pm- "Mommmmmyyyy!....Mommmmmmyyyyyyyyyyy" Gabriels voice echoes through my peaceful home after dark. He was yelling because he wasn't breathing well. I marched my heavy legs up the stairs and pressed my ear flush against his bare back. I heard what sounded like tissue paper rustling around, between whistle like exhales. Down the hall I went- looking for his breathing machine (nebulizer), and his albuterol. I strapped the fishy mask around his ears, and sat down and the machine hummed, and went to work. The machine forces purified air through a small plastic tube, that turns his liquid medicine into a mist that can be inhaled into his lungs. I looked up a moment later to find that the monotone hum of the machine and sent Gabriel into dreamworld. Ten minutes later, treatment complete, I listen to his lungs again. Satisfied with the improvement, I went to bed myself.
Sept 21, 2:30 am- This time, I couldnt clearly make out any words. When Gabriel is upset I cant tell where one word finishes and another begins. He wakes up often in the middle of the night- sometimes itchy, sometimes wheezy. I got up to find the Benedryl, and remembered were on a 3 day antihistamine fast because of his allergy testing. I scratched his itchy skin, she "shhhh"ed him until he fell back to sleep.
Sept 21, 6:30 am- I felt pressure on my feet. Just as I rubbed my eyes, and tried to pull them open, I heard a giggle. Gabriel loves to wake me up this way. He climbs on my bed in the morning, and I couldn't find a better way to wake up than with a hug. Together, we stumbled downstairs, and started with breakfast. Rice cereal, rice milk. He ate, I tried to make myself presentable for the day. For the sake of anyone reading this, I wont describe what happened when he sneezed all morning, but I will just say, Im not sure where it all came from. Just when I thought we were ready to head out the door; I backed up, and fit in out daily preventative breathing treatment. Fifteen minutes later we were ready to go.
Sept 21, 8:00 am- Hello Dr Au's office. Gabriel has an allergist, pulmonologist, cardiologist, orthopedic, gastroentologist, geneticist, and of course his pediatrician, whom collectively keep a great eye on him. You can imagine that doctor appointments are a regular part of our life. Generally I leave the doctor very pleased. I consider it all good news; a new prescription, new food to avoid, or a "keep doing what you're doing," any way it goes, I figure we are making strides. Today we heard all three, a new prescription, a new allergy, and "everything looks great." As soon as Gabriel matures enough emotionally to endure twice a week allergy injections, we will add that to the schedule. Immuno -therapy will desensitize him, and decrease his symptoms. Yay!
Sept 21, 10:00 am- We get home just in time to hit the road for the day. I gather our things: Gabriels lunch, my lunch, his medicine backpack, my things for work; and without forgetting something for the day (hooray!) we're off. These days, we arrive at the preschool just as lunch is served. I pull Gabriel's food from his lunch bag, and examine the rest of the table. No peanutbutter? check. When a friend does have a PB&J in their sack, Gabriel sits at a separate table, clear across the room. We can't be careful enough, and we've learned the hard way: If you're close enough to smell it, its close enough to make him sick.
Sept 21, 8:00 pm- Home from work. The best part of the day for a Mom. I'm greeted by a full, bathed Gabriel, and his Nanny. The day is just beginning for a Mom. Cleaning, laundry, stories, and more. I preheated the oven as I dug through the freezer. I prepare 2 meals every evening for the next day. No sandwiches for this kiddo, so Mom does a little extra cooking to help keep him fed and healthy. Whats on the menu for today? Steamed eggplant, and purple cauliflower with rice noodles, and for dinner; chicken and broccoli with rice. Probably doesn't look appealing to your nugget loving, bologna eatin preschooler, but to mine, its perfect! Time for another preventative breathing treatment. This time, it didn't lull Gabriel to sleep, I can still hear him singing from his bed.
Sure, we have allergies. There are places that we cant go, and things we cant do; but our everyday life looks a lot like yours. We are happy, we're growing strong, and we wouldn't have it any other way.