Saturday, March 12, 2011


The FAAN has recently been focusing on educating friends and family of people who suffer from food allergy.  Part of the focus has been on recognizing 'PAL's,' or people who "Protect A Life from food allergies.'

Again- this is why I blog.  Educating just one person- helping someone know enough to save a life- is all I hope for.  In support of the Food Allergy and Anaphlyaxis Network and their efforts, I would like to honor 3 special people with the PAL Hero award.
A PAL Hero (Protect A Life hero) is someone who protects or saves someone from a dangerous food allergy.  FAAN decribes a PAL Hero as;

  • Someone who never takes food allergies lightly, someone who doesn't joke or tease someone about their food allergies,
  • Someone who doesn't share food with someone who has a dangerous allergy,
  • Someone who washes their hands after eating, to remove food that could cause a reaction to someone,
  • Someone who asks, or knows what your friends are allergic to and helps them avoid it, or,
  • Someone who gets help immediately if someone is having a reaction.
To learn more about how to be a PAL Hero, and how to help save a life, visit the FAAN website at, or click on the following links to print a brochure on being a PAL;

I would like to honor 3 amazing children who have gone above and beyond to protect a loved one from a serious allergic reaction.

Tanner Michael-  For his efforts in helping prevent allergic reactions by washing hands, taking allergies seriously, for not sharing food, and most importantly making an important recommendation.  "Rock, you better get out his medicine just in case there's fish in here"
Tanner, Thank you for always being proactive, and helping to keep Gabriel safe.

Olivia Rose- Livi is a FAN Hero because she has helped keep Gabriel safe by washing hands, taking allergies seriously, not sharing food, and especially for getting help!  I can remember a million times when you've told me "Gabriel's coughing!" or "Gabriel's itchy!"  Thank you, Livi, for helping to keep Gabriel safe.

I would like to award Ryder Nol with the FAN Hero award because even at an incredibly young age, Ryder is aware of Gabriel's allergies and helps to keep him safe.  Barely 3 years old, Ryder makes sure Gabriel stays away from not-safe foods.  "NO!  Gabriel Allergic!" Ryder, you help Gabriel when he's itchy, with a belly ache, or needing a breathing treatment.  You are a FAN Hero!

Please. Educate yourself and your children on how to help keep their friends safe from food allergies. Everyday I ready stories in the news about parents of non-allergic children who are angry at the idea of keeping peanuts out of schools, and requiring hand washing after meals.  Don't let your child be one who risks another's life!  Learn how to keep friends safe, learn how to be a FAAN Hero!  

1 comment:

  1. This brings me tears, sad but happy tears!
