Monday, March 7, 2011

Don't give up on spring time allergens

Not too long ago- an expert allergist told me that Gabriel has a strong reaction to grasses, and should avoid them at all expense.  HA!  You try being 4 and avoiding the grass.  This allergist has been one of Gabriel's most reliable doctors for a long time, and he taught me something very valuable.  Rarely does one allergen sen you over the edge.  Allergies are like that arcade game- with the shelf full of coins, and you drop in coin after coin until they all pour over the edge.  The shelf is full of hundreds of coins, and finally, that one single coin causes a ton to overflow.  Allergies are just this way.  You are irritated by many allergens, typically.  And one by one they fill up the shelf.  Finally, one little allergen, not necessarily your 'worst' pushes you over the edge.  Suddenly your congested, itchy, wheezy, and rubbing your eyes.  Although we tend to blame the last allergen we were exposed to, blame everything that filled up that shelf!

Through my research and experience I have learned these few but valuable tips to help keep your shelf empty.  When your shelf is empty, one accidental exposure wont push you over the edge!

Tip #1- Find out what your allergens are!  Grasses, trees? Call your allergist and get a skin test.  It's not fun, but its valuable.

Tip #2- Wash your sheets in hot water once a week!  Curtains, comforters, anything that can house dust and mites.  If you or your child has stuffed animals freeze them for 24 hours- then wash in hot water.  The only way to kill dust mites is to chill them, but we can still have reactions to the carcass left behind, so wash immediately after.  

Tip #3- Purchase an air purifier.  Sure, it's not reasonable to purchase 7 for each room in your home.  I recommend One air purifier for the common living area, and one for where you and your allergic child sleeps.  Purifiers claim to remove 99% of dust in the home.  If you purchase one, clean or replace the filter as directed!

Tip #4- Keep your windows closed!  I know, its tempting!  It's sunny, and beautiful out!  Open the blinds, and enjoy looking at it, but don't let the pollen in your home!  Ever!

Tip #5-  Check your air filter.   Changing your air filter is one of those tasks that we never remember to do.  A high rated filter can be purchased at Home Depot for around $20.  Check your filter monthly, and replace them as soon as they appear dirty.  Initially, this may be every month!  When you peek inside and see the dust and yuck that it's collected, you'll wish you changed it months ago!

Tip #6- Check the floor.  If your budget allows, allergists recommend removing carpet. Depending on the severity of your symptoms, I reccomend applying this to at least the bedroom, the whole home if possible. Carpet houses dust and mites.  If you have carpets in your home for now, vacuum with a HEPA filter vacuum weekly.  Deep Clean/Shampoo monthly.  

Tip #7- Protect your bed!  Purchase allergen covers for pillows and mattresses.  These will prevent mites and dust from invading your safe cozy bed.  I once read that your mattress will double in weight after just a few years because of mite infestation.  Protect your allergies, and your mattress with a full zipped cover.   To kill mites that already live in the carpet and in mattresses keep your home under 64 degrees for 48 hours.  It will be cold and uncomfortable, but it will keep them from multiplying!  Once you've killed them off, clean throughaly, and protect from future invaders.  

Tip #8- Listen to your doctor.  Every spring you go back.  He recommends an allergy medicine (prescription or not).  For some, nasal sprays, eye drops, and even inhalers.  You pay him good money for a reason!  Take your allergy medicines daily.  Don't wait for your symptoms.  It's much easier to keep symptoms under control than to get them under control.

Tip #9- Go to your Farmers Market.  Buy local honey.  Eat a tbsp every day.  Bee's use pollen from plants near by to make honey.  Similar to allergy injections, ingesting a small amount of these local pollens every day will help build your tolerance.  Of course, this is not recommended if you are allergic to honey.

Tip #10- You're eczema is your first clue.  Treat your eczema as soon as you see it.  Your prescription ointments from your doctor, OTC hydrocortisone, and benedryl.  Your Eczema will cause asthma symptoms later, if you don't treat it now.  

Tip #11- Animals.  If your skin tests shows a reaction to cats, dogs, or birds pay special attention.  Now, I'm not recommending that you give away your priceless family pet.  However, if you are allergic to an animal that lives in your home, you may not be aware how much it is affecting you, or now much it is "filling up your shelf."  Vacuum extra often- including your couch and furniture.  Keep your bedroom off limits, you spend nearly 50% of your life there, make sure it's safe for you.  Finally, if you tested allergic to birds or geese, GET RID OF THE DOWN!  I know, its plush and cozy, but it's making you sick.  That would be like Gabriel sleeping on the grass.  Not a good idea, sorry! 

Sometimes it takes a lot of work, and a few medications.  Sometimes it takes a small investment.  If you take the necessary steps to help make your life allergy-free, I promise you'll see a  difference.  And what you spend on a new air filter wont compare to what you save in copays!


  1. Your "feel sorry for me blog" makes me want to puke! No wonder your kid is sick you are destroying his immune system...or not allowing his to develop. Its common knowledge that the more a person is exposed to whatever they are allergic to, over time a persons immune system learns to attack it...that's why allergic reactions get better as a person ages!!! You and your quack doctor should be arrested for child endangerment!!!
    Its not the responsibility of restaurant owner or employees to cater to you and your child who is a freak of nature with the severity of his "allergies"!! The more and more I read of your blog the more disgusted I get, It seems your sons "illness" is very convenient for you and most the time it seems you enjoy it...makes a logical person wonder if you are extremely over blowing it for you own satisfaction...!!! One story really showed you ignorance as a "concerned parent", how does a 4 year old hide "a long bout of painful diarrhea" from a clearly overbearing/hysterical "parent" like you???
    I feel sorry for the dentist and any business you go into with your "Hey look at me" hysterical attitude!!!

  2. DEAR ANONYMOUS, Thank you for your feedback. I appreciate all points of view, and it is through the uneducated public that I find motivate to continue to educate and bring awareness. I would like to share a few medical facts with you to help you better understand the world of allergies, anaphlyaxis, Eosinophillic Espphagitis, and Ehlers Danlos Syndrome.
    -Allergies are an auto immune disorder. This does not mean that an allergic child has a low or weak immune system, this means that their immune system is overly strong. Allergic immune systems 'overeact', and respond to foods. Because of the intensity of Gabriels allergies, his immune system is incredibly strong. It has been tested, and his ability to fight of disease and infection is amazing. 'Destroying his immune system' would be nearly impossible.
    -While it is common misconception that exposure reduces the severity in symptoms, this is not at all true in the realm of food allergies. Food allergy reactions grow stronger with every exposure. It is hopeful that with complete isolation to the specific trigger foods, your body will forget how to react to them. This is why OBGYNS and pediatricians recommend that children do not eat nuts of eggs until 3 years of age. The earlier and more often we are exposed, the higher the likelihood of a dangerous reaction. Additionally, Eosinophillic Esophagitis is a white blood cell disorder. While it mimics allergies in some ways, it is not at all an allergy. I would be happy to answer any questions about eosinophiilic disorders. Our team of experienced and educated doctors from various well known medical groups such as Shriners, UC Davis,and Sutter are experts in all of these areas. I have made strides in the way of medical advances and have changed Gabriels life dramatically.
    -I agree with you, that it is not the business of any restaurant owner to cater to my 4 years old. My only request is that waiters, cooks, and owners follow FDA and local guidelines and be able to either a) provide a list of ingredients, or b) be able to answer questions about them. I never intend to make our challenges anyone else's.
    -Finally, Anonymous, the goal of writing this blog is to educate through celebrating our successes and improvements, and to bring awareness through factually experiences. Gabriel is not his diseases. Gabriel is bright, energetic, playful, and as any 4 year old should be. Through my 'hysteria,' and 'overbearing behaviors', I have made significant advances in Gabriels health. No longer does he vomit more than 3 times a day, no longer do we take monthly trips to the ER, no longer does he suffer and struggle to breath everyday. I am proud of the improvements we've made. I aim to share all that I've learned about these 4 very separate disorders, to hopefully help someone who is struggling with one of them. I pray that someone who is so unwilling to accommodate such 'freak of nature allergies' never has to deal with something similar either yourself, or as a parent.

  3. Anonymous, I do not understand why you would post something so negative. Clearly, if you knew Gabriel and his extremely attentative and coherent Mother, you would not even think the things you have stated, much less say them out for others to hear or see. Those who know Gabriel and Raquel will tell you that neither of them feel sorry for themselves. Raquel has taken an extremely admirable pro-active role in Gabriel's medical conditions. I am sure you have heard the saying about "not criticizing someone until you have walked a mile in their shoes." You are ignorant to make the comments you have made and Gabriel's blog could help you to learn about some things most of us have never heard of. Your comments make you seem selfish and petty. This is exactly the opposite personality of both Gabriel and Raquel. It is sad that you would target such a positive place as this blog to let your pathetic opinions out.

  4. Rock, I have to say you are mistaken. It IS the business of EVERY restaurant owner, food service provider, and service industry professional to accommodate and "cater" to you.

    What disturbs me most about the "Anonymous" comment is the statement, "Its not the responsibility of restaurant owner or employees to cater to you and your child who is a freak of nature with the severity of his "allergies"!!"

    Firstly, being concerned with the fact that it is--INDEED--the service industry's responsibility to cater to any disability without question or proof of that disability. When someone enters into my hotel and requests a handicap accessible room that is pet friendly, I do not ask which disorder he or she is affected by nor do I request proof of his or her disability--by law I am forbidden. Nor do I find it necessary. In the service industry (restaurants, hotels, retail businesses, legal services, etc.) there is no need for proof of a reason to provide service--accommodations to the fullest extent are (or should be) provided to every guest/client/customer to any degree necessary to meet and exceed his or her expectations. Within the service industry this "anonymous" poster would not be treated to a lesser degree simply because of the ignorance he or she portrays, or for any demand he or she places.

    Further, I believe it is the "freaks of nature" whom have arduously discovered remedies, antidotes, and incredibly progressive theories to solve the world's extending problems... I graduated at the top of my class and achieved my Bachelors degree in a phenomenally short period of time; but this held nothing to the "freaks of nature" I met during my schooling, who managed to surpass the greater good of my fellow scholars in all academia.

    Perhaps "Anonymous" is concerned with a mental disorder--he or she is likely referring to Munchausen By Proxy Syndrome. I assure you, as a Psychology graduate, Gabriel's shortened breaths and relentless scratching are not fabricated. Nor are the strain to his connective tissues and sensitivity to other environmental stimuli. Genuinely, I can not picture "Anonymous" encountering an individual with a hip replacement or epilepsy and stating firmly that this individual is a "freak of nature" and his or her doctor is a quack--perhaps "faking" or seeking attention. Perhaps, "Anonymous," you are blind to popular media--how many individuals are faking a health disorder to gain attention?! Oh that's right. None.

    In all attempt to maintain my frustration with the ingnorant contributors to the population, I will end with these final words:

    "Useful, then, might be to accept how I was made and embody myself fully therein." --E. Gilbert

    ...and so if the cow wants to keep living in the barn, let her. No use trying to show the cow the pasture, once it has made her home in the stall.

    (And finally) "The greatest ignorance is to reject something you know nothing about."

  5. "Anonymous" didn't your momma teach you that if you don't have something nice to say, don't say it?
    It is evident and obvious that you are not very educated and are short sighted.

    I really hope you are not in the food business, but my gut says you are.

    We all get satisfaction from learning about this wonderful boy and Mom and how they have overcome odds.

    Too bad you don't realize you are learning from reading this blog instead of finding fault.

    Take this as a lesson for you - no one got severely hurt this time, this could be a way my daughter actually saved your butt in the future since now you are aware.

    If you are not in the food business, then maybe you could stop obsessing about this blog and do something that makes somebody's day better.

    Did you also know that most 4 year old's go to the potty on their own? Well this wonderful child does. And, Mommy has a great career to support him so he has an au pair who did not realize his belly was messed up.
