Flooring, of course! Any house we move to, must have no carpet! Now, of course this will probably mean that we have to do some work, and have and have hard wood installed, but it is a huge expense.
Pets. Cats seem to put Gabriel in the hospital immediately. There is no way to ever no what pets lived in a home before us. I read a study that said 99% of homes contain some sort of cat or dog danger. 99% of Americans don't own cats/dogs, its incredible what dander can linger long after someone moves out!
Fireplace. Oh I would love a nice cozy fireplace. A fireplace isn't safe for an asthmatic. Options? Find a home without one, don't use it, or replace it with a clean burning gas fireplace. How bout grass? The doctor prescribed complete grass avoidance. As a mother of an otherwise active child, I refuse to have his playtime limited because of our landscaping. This will mean either pricey artificial turf, or a lovely rock garden. Some of the most common allergy triggers: dust, dust mites, and pollen, can be kept at bay with air purifiers. HEPA filters can removes more than 90% of these allergens from the air. Average cost? $299 for a purifier that covers 300 sq feet. Recently, we got rid of any and all stuffed animals that lived here. Other recommended maintenance includes daily wiping down of mattress covers, weekly washing of curtains, sheets, mattress covers, etc, in HOT water. A
The tasks and purchases recommended for Gabriel's health can seem expensive and time consuming. It is one more way I keep Gabriel looking more and more healthy! I am so proud that he is not recognized as a 'sick kid' anymore! He goes about his days, playful, and healthy. And these days, we spend much less time in the ER.