I just read a disturbing article-
The story was about a little boy was in need of a blood transfusion. Shortly after he was given the blood- he suffered a dangerous anaphylactic reaction. Why? Because There was trace amounts of peanut protein in the blood he received.
Currently, there is no procedure or protocol for testing blood for allergens. Lets be honest- typically, if you are in need of blood, its pretty urgent. Will this story create a buzz and possibly update the way blood is given? Maybe- but I have a better idea.
The number of people worldwide with dangerous peanut allergies is growing at an alarming rate. Someone who is in need of a blood transfusion is already in a very vulnerable, and unhealthy state. Have you ever signed your name on the dotted line- and volunteered your narrow vein to be poked and drained to help someone in need? If you have- thank you, it is something to be proud of! If you have ever, or you have considered it in the future, I am going to ask you to take it just one step further. Because peanut allergy is the most common cause of death from food allergy, please don't eat peanuts (or peanut butter, or even a Snickers) at least 24 hours before your donation. Your kinda donation with be safer and more likely to save a life!